Okay, mangaka, I get what you're doing. The gang obviously needed to train to get better, but you didn't want to spend so much time drawing out their training because nothing exciting was going to happen. I guess it makes sense that inviting the whole party to the spirit world as an excuse to jump the story along three months. But, in doing this, they still hadn't gotten stronger had they? So, what do you do? Make Ultear super amazing and suddenly able to advance their abilities. So, they pretty much got their three months of training without taking the whole three months. I get it, but it's kinda lame. It's a good idea to pass the time quickly, but I don't think I like it very much. I don't know how it could have gone any different, nor am I asking you to change it, because, let's be honest, you wouldn't.
Anyway, I just hope that those last few chapters of worthlessness and disappointment have paid off, and the tournament is amazing! I'll be waiting to be dazzled as I have been ever since I read the first chapter.
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