Woke up, and saw that it's freaking snowing! And it's still snowing! I'm so cold, even inside the house! Then again, our house has so many holes in it that it's really not surprising that it's so cold.
Anyway, got some views with my Erza/Lucy fic. There are a few people who are confused about the pairing, but I should tell you all that it's okay! It's Erza and Lucy! It's named after that song, because they don't actually fall in love, but they do it....IT....o-o
So I've managed to take over my computer today, so I'm hoping to get some more writing done. I've been actually writing out my story ideas in my notebook. It made me get all nostalgic and stuff, having not actually written anything in a notebook since school.
Ugh, speaking of school...I need a job! D: Turns out you can't make a profit off of fanfiction. Well, not unless you have the connections, and the permission for most of these stories. Ya know, I saw the list of authors who don't approve of their stories being written in fanfiction, and I wonder why. I mean, I would be honored that people want to write fics about my stories! I'd be freakin stoked if someone took Kai and Akito and paired them, or Pyro and Tenshi. Dude, how amazing would that be?
So, I'm here to publicly announce that I give permission for people to write fics about my stories! Just don't actually claim them as your own, because then I'll get really Amazonian bitch on your ass. =)
Oh yeah, back to my first thought...I need a job. We're kinda suffering here...well, I am anyway. I hate people...I hate kids...I think, in order for me to love my family again would be for me to spend some time away from them, and I'm not talking about once every now and again...every freakin day, for about 4 or 5 hours would be nice...maybe even more. I wouldn't mind working full time.
Like, seriously, I need to learn how to love my family again. I've been having thoughts about getting away. I know I've mentioned that I wanted to live alone, and I could totally see myself living by myself, just working, writing, xboxing, movie watching, yaoi reading...just me things! I can't do me things with all these other people around. So, I've been thinking that maybe I should get a job and spend a few hours away from my family each day. Isn't that how the saying goes? Being apart makes the heart grow fonder, or whatever?
Well, here's hoping that that I get a job soon. I've been filling out applications like crazy.
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